The 21 Best Proverbs in English for Students with Meanings - English Seeker

The 21 Best Proverbs in English for Students with Meanings - English Seeker

A proverb is a short sentence that offers life advice, wisdom, or truth. Thousands of people use proverbs each day in the world.

The 21 Best Proverbs in English for Students with Meanings:

All that glitters is not gold – things that look valuable outside may not be as valuable

A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step – howsoever big a task is, it always starts with a baby step

Easy come easy go – when you get something easily and then lose it as easily

A picture is worth a thousand words – it is easier to narrate something through a picture than through words

An idle brain is the devil’s workshop – if you’ve nothing to do, you’ll likely think of the trouble

It’s better to be safe than sorry – one should always take needed precautions

A bad workman always blames his tools – when somebody blames the quality of their equipment when they perform a task unwell

The heart that loves is always young – keep loving and it will keep their hearts young

A fault confessed is half redressed – by confessing to one's own faults, one will begin to make amends

Blood is thicker than water – blood relationship is stronger than other relationships

A rolling stone gathers no moss – if a person keeps moving from one place to another, he will not get many friends or assets

Beggars can’t be choosers – people who depend on the compassion of others can’t pick and choose things as per their taste

A drowning man will clutch at a straw – when somebody is in a tough situation, he will take any accessible opportunity to improve it

Rome wasn’t built in a day – great work takes time to complete

One man’s junk is another man’s treasure – What may seem to be junk to you may be valuable to another

Make hay while the sun shines – make the most of beneficial conditions till they last

Half a loaf is better than none – receiving less is better than not receiving anything

Don’t count your chickens before they hatch – don’t make plans based on coming events that may not happen at all

Clothes do not make the man – a person’s character can’t be judged by his clothing and appearance

Best things in life are free – the most valued things are often free

When the sun rises it rises for everyone - never feel excluded from this world, if you weren’t meant to be here, you simply wouldn’t be here

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